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Something went wrong processing your order. Please try again. Uh oh! It looks like the seat has already been purchased for / Thursday, September 19 - 8:35 AM. Try removing it from your cart to find a new seat. Sorry for the inconvience. Uh oh! It looks like your card was declined. You can try again using a different card or trying again with the same card. Uh oh! Uh oh! It looks like your card was declined. You can try again using a different card or trying again with the same card. We're sorry but there was an unexpected error (Code 100). Please try purchasing tickets again. If the error continues, please contact Ludus support via and report error code 100. Uh oh! It looks like there are only seats left for / Thursday, September 19 - 8:35 AM
Extended Family Half Season
You'll receive a code once you purchase your pass that can be used for the available events.

Extended Family half season pass includes admission for 6 to all 11 remaining Feast & Field Events (Saturday July 20th Included) and a gift from our partners for your generosity! 

*See bar inside the Rumney Barn for gifts at your first F&F event

Feast & Field
Thursday, September 19, 2024 @ 5:30 PM-8:30 PM
Sold Out
Thursday, September 26, 2024 @ 5:30 PM-8:30 PM
Sold Out
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